Silas Horn starts as a guard at the castle.



Midsummer, Fenella Twinley throws her luggage at her lodgings, and is on her way to the harbour, when she's stoped by the castlekeeper, Shawn Horn. He will not let Fenella Twinley go to the harbour alone.

Fenella Twinley gets very annoyed and after some discussing, Shawn Horn agrees to, Fenella Twinley can go to the harbour, if she's accompanied by his son, Silas Horn, to guard her.

At the harbour, Fenella Twinley is hugging and kissing Dwain Delaney, and they keep snuggling all day, while Silas Horn is watching it.

In the evening, Silas Horn wants to take Fenella Twinley with him home. When they're home at the theatre, Fenella Twinley gives Silas Horn a very wet kiss and asks him to pick her up again next morning.

Next morning, Silas Horn comes to pick up Fenella Twinley, who is already dressed for going into the harbour again. She kisses him before they leave.

At the harbour, Fenella Twinley is dancing for Dwain Delaney while Silas Horn and Bella Delaney are watching.

the rest of the day, Fenella Twinley spends snuggling with Dwain Delaney until Silas Horn tells. it's time to go home.

Next day at the harbour, Fenella Twinley and Dwain Delaney is snuggling together while Silas Horn is watching them, and Fenella tells about how Sir Gareth of Lewinton had been banging with her sister the night before.

Fenella Twinley and Dwain Delaney are kissing and cuddling as usually at the harbour, while Silas Horn is watching them. Dwain tells Fenella his likes to make love with her, but Fenella tells him, she, unlike her sister, doesn't has contraception potion, and she'll not make love with him, before she gets it, but that she'll look forward to doing it with him.

Christmas at the Ball, Joplin Twinley starts to play, Eileen Twinley and Sir Gareth of Lewinton start dancing together and Fenella Twinley starts mandatory dancing with Dwain Delaney, she has promised him.

Dwain Delaney becomes too cuddlely to the taste of Fenella Twinley, so she switches dance partner, and dances with Silas Horn, whom she ends kissing.


Late Spring Since Bella Delaney had left Lewinton harbour, they are laking of fish at Lewinton Castle. Hence, Silas Horn goes down to the harbour, to buy some fish of Ifan Harding.

Ifan Harding is talking about how old his boat is, but Dwain Delaney and his son, Finley Harding is building a new boat for replacement.

Silas Horn is, however, more interested in the attrackive daughter of Ifan Harding, Hilary Harding, whom he gets fond of.

Early Summer, Hilary Harding comes to the castle with more fish. Silas Horn and Hilary Harding begins kissing and cuddling.

Midsummer Appearently, Silas Horn is sweet on Hilary Harding, and before long he shows up at her side, to see Fenella Twinley dance.

Late Summer At The Crown, Joplin Twinley makes a hymn for the new boat, while Fenella Twinley is dancing.

Meanwhile, Silas Horn is popping the cherry of Hilary Harding upstairs.

Late Autumn, Lucinda Horn sends her son, Silas Horn, to Larch Croft to get the Herbs, Moira Lieberman needs.

Joplin Twinley is follow him, to see his oncle and aunt at Larch Croft.

At Larch Croft, Joplin Twinley gets siren leaves for him self, while Silas Horn. gets the herbs, Moira Lieberman have ordered at Marcus Bishof.

Early Winter, Silas Horn and Joplin Twinley returns to Lewinton Castle.





Silas Horn becomes Servant at Lewinton Casle.



Silas Horn becomes Dungeon Keeper at Lewinton Casle.

Silas Horn marries Fenella Twinley.


Fenella Horn gives birth to Naomi Horn.


Fenella Horn gives birth to Damian Horn.


Tim Harding starts study at The Royal Theatre at the conservatiory.


Tim Harding finishes study at The Royal Theatre at the conservatiory.